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Our Baby

Isabella's a baby we can't wait to meet,
There's Mommy and Daddy and just up the street,
There's Oma and Grandpa who've been waiting since Fall,
To welcome and kiss the baby so small,
We're all we're getting ready for you to come home,
We've been planning and preparing and we're not alone!
Isabella's a princess right out of a story,
Complete with a fairy godmother in all of her glory,
And all of the people are anxious to greet,
Tiny Isabella, so small and so sweet!
We're counting the days until you enter this world,
And we finally get to welcome a precious baby girl.
We'll be the best parents that we can be,
We'll teach you and protect you...just wait and see!
Truly and honestly, I make you a vow,
That Mommy and Daddy love you right NOW,
And we'll continue to love you even more as you grow,
I've written this nursery rhyme so you know so!
And now for your ending amidst applause and laughter,
Princess Isabella, you'll live happily every after! 

                                               ~Kristin K.


Some facts:

* Isabella Antoinette was born on June 25, 2009

* She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and measured 20 inches

* She was welcomed by her parents,
   grandparents, aunts, uncles, and godmother.

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